Company Blogging Forum Experience

So last night I attended Company Magazine’s Blogging Forum. It’s my first blogging event, so I was really excited. The event took place at Guys Campus, King’s College. It wasn’t the easiest place to find, but for me it was nostalgia as that’s where I rehearsed for Fusion@London 2012 (fashion and dance show, now called Fashion Strikes). There was a small crowd at the reception when I arrived, but the room filled up rather quickly with bloggers who had flawless makeup and with unique senses of style. It was rather daunting at first with so many beautifully dressed girls, as…

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BeautecoBox June 2013

Yes! My table is finally free from lecture notes on thermodynamics, machine system dynamics, finance etc. etc. Now it’s filled with piles of beauty products and magazines, at least until next month. I received my first BeautecoBox today and I’m very excited about it. It also makes up the fact that I’m still waiting for my June Glossybox because someone forgot to pack it! Let’s start off with my experience of the Beauteco box, shall we? The box it came in is recyclable (thus beautiful and ecological) and it reminds me of a double sized Graze box. Last month’s products…

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Pink Zebra Nail “Junkie” – DIY Using Recycling Paper

More DIY: a pink zebra nail design using recycled paper. First of all, I do not know much about nail art. I only started experimenting recently, say about 3 weeks ago. This is probably the most creative concept so far (yeah, I know not very creative at all, but it takes practice). My last post was on the CEW 2013 Discovery Box. The box itself became a ordinary beauty storage box, but a small proportion of the shredded packaging paper ended up on my nails. 😛 So this is how it looks like: 1. As usual, I started off with…

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Glossybox DIY Idea 1: Earring Storage Box

So last evening turned into a creative storage DIY session (got to put some engineering into practice) and here’s the result. Isn’t it cute? I’m aiming to come up with an innovative idea of what you can do with the leftovers of a nice box every time I receive one. I’m very sorry about the picture quality as I don’t have a nice camera so most the pictures were taken using crappy iPad and phone cameras. If this blog ever gets big I’ll make sure to get an awesome camera. 😛 Want one yourself? So let’s get this report started.…

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