Hertfordshire Blogger’s Lunch

Last Wednesday I traveled up to St. Albans for Hertfordshire Blogger’s Lunch. I knew it would be a long trek from London, but I did it anyway because I thought it would be nice to meet Sarah again and get to know Scarlett. I met both of them both at the London Bloggers Party in June (#LDNBloggersParty), talked a lot to Sarah but only managed to introduce myself to Scarlett. You see, it’s these two who arranged the Hertfordshire Blogger’s Lunch. A massive thank you to both! 

The travel to St. Albans took just over an hour and costed about £7.50 for return at the counter, which actually surprised me because the online tickets were £7 each way. I met Sophie, who I got to know at the July London Meet Up (#Julylondmeetup), at St. Albans Station. We were both super proud of ourselves for finding our way there after many confusions. Even better, we managed to find L’Italiana (where the lunch took place) without getting lost, thanks to my GPS! There were 9 of us at the event, but Hannah had to leave before we had a chance to order our food. I went for a Tagliatelle Bolognese (I think that’s the menu name of it). Guess what? Sarah, mentioned this in her post too, everyone’s camera’s popped up as soon as the food arrived! I was gutted that I didn’t bring my camera, so I’m using other’s pictures (again!). The bloggers lunch was really relaxed and is a great way to get to know other bloggers. It’s quite different from the bigger meet-ups, because you are there to make friends and catch up rather than meet as many bloggers as possible and swap business cards. I do enjoy both type of bloggers events for different reasons and I would definitely attend more of these events in the future. Another thing I noticed is that everyone looked really beautiful and stylish, it was pretty obvious that everyone of us had some relation to the beauty and fashion industry. 🙂
    Photo credit to Sarah @ Sarah’s Beauty Emporium
 Photo credit to Scarlett @ Scarlett London
  Photo credit to Scarlett @ Scarlett London
Guess what? We got goodie bags! I honestly, didn’t expect to get a goodie bag as it’s pretty much a good lunch date with friends. It was a lovely surprise. Did I hear that you can’t see the “OhSo” chocolate in the photos? Well, I think you need to ask my belly about that one. 😛


  1. August 9, 2013 / 9:04 pm

    ahhh cute clouds !!!! I love how you put my header with the blog name, really lovely touch – must have taken ages 😮

    • August 9, 2013 / 9:54 pm

      Takes some "copy and paste" skills. 😛 I'm trying to add more visuals & logos in my posts so this is a good start. 🙂

  2. August 14, 2013 / 9:15 pm

    Looks like a great event! I think I want every product from My Showcase. x

    • August 14, 2013 / 10:54 pm

      I know what you mean with My Showcase. The brands they work with are all fantastic x