A Diary Entry to Company Beauty Week

Some of you might already know about Company Beauty Week (#companybeautyweek), but for those of you who haven’t heard of it, it’s basically a week jam packed with events and competitions in association with Company Magazine. The event tickets were free for all Company Magazine readers and were given out on first come first serve basis. Not to be greedy, I (only, hehe) signed up for two events; Origins GinZing Event and Headmasters Styling. I think I was one of the super lucky ones to have gotten a place for the Headmasters event. Since my experience of  the two events were quite different, I’m gonna divide it into two parts.
Origins GinZing Event at OXO2

The day before going to this event, I asked on the #bbloggers chat if anyone was going. I got a few responses, which was a good start at least. Tamsyn (from Peachpowxo) contacted me on Twitter on the day asking if I wanted to meet up with her before going. Since we were both taking the tube to Black Friars, we decided that the station was the best place to meet. On our way to OXO2, I recognised Rachel (from BeautyQueenUK) from an earlier event, July London Meetup. Haha, I’m so proud of myself that I am actually recognising people, well bloggers. This is a good development as compared to my first event, London Bloggers Party, where I didn’t know or recognise anyone.

We arrived rather early, so it was very empty when we got there. Upon arrival, we received a glass of bubbly each and were greeted by an Origins adviser who told us a little bit about the event and gave us an overview of the products. When Tasmsyn and I heard the word “photobooth”, our eyes widened and headed straight towards it! I think we were the first ones in the photobooth to be honest, but someone needs to start it! Who doesn’t like free photos?

The rest of the evening were just general chatting, taking photos and hanging around the beauty counters way too much! Not to mention, trying out and falling in love with every single Origins product! With unlimited champagne (or Cava, I can’t tell) top-ups and amazing nibble served to us, I for once felt like a very important blogger (haha, I wish). Other than just “hanging around” and taking pictures, all attendees were given the opportunity to have a mini facial and skin consultation. As for the mini-facial? Well, I wanted one, but was never there at the right time. I think each facial took about 20-30 minutes, which only allowed a handful of attendees to try it out. However, I was pleased to know that Origins Oxford Street branch gives free facials, so I will be popping in there soon. The skin consultation part was less exciting because we had to state our own skincare conditions rather than the other way round. Anyways, everyone got a goody bag and the content was great because it contained Origins products!

The last picture was taken by Tamsyn @ Peachpowxo
Headmasters Event at Hanover Street

Surprisingly my experience of the Headmasters event was completely different to the Origins GinZing one. I received an email a few days prior to the event that my appointment was at 7.15pm-8.00pm, so I arrived around 7.00pm (alone :P). Upon arrival I was greeted by a lovely girl who I assumed worked for Headmasters. She was so sweet and told me a little bit about what’s going on and offered me a glass of cava and a brochure for me to look through and choose a blow dry style. I was one of the later ones to arrive because a lot of people already had their hair done or were getting their hair done.

I noticed that there were two girls waiting in the queue and I vaguely recognised one of them as Becky (Lipgloss and Lashes), but I didn’t know who the other girl was. However, as soon as she said Lorna, I immediately thought Student Dreams (haha, a little embarrassing story there, but it’s ACTUALLY Studs and Dreams). See, I know my bloggers… more or less. Before I even got to chat with Becky, she was whisked away by one of the Headmasters to get big bouncy curls. So I spent most of my time chatting with Lorna who is an absolutely gorgeous girl with a great personality!  I was also approach by the Company Magazine girls (above pictures – can you spot the odd one out?), Sophie, Holly and Gem. My first thought was that they were Company Magazine readers, but the glowing confidence gained from working full time in the beauty and fashion industry gave it away. I really hope that one day I can be glowing with beauty, style and confidence, which I think is possible if I keep up with the positive attitude!

I was the last girl to get my hair done, and it was by the one and only Ollie Blackaby, Senior Art Director at Headmasters (picture above). Someone please hit me with some sense because I totally didn’t know that he was the master of all Headmasters at the event! I also made a silly comment on how my hair looked like a fairy tale creation. Ollie then told me that the style is called “Wonderland Braids” and showed me the brochure I was flicking through with BIG LETTERS written all over it! I promise that I didn’t look it up beforehand!

It was sort of like a come, play and go event. So by the time my hair was done, everyone else had left… no group pictures with readers, unfortunately! But I did get a picture with the Company girls in some sort of height order, military formation (lol, what?)!!! As for the goody bags? Well, we all got two; one with Headmasters own products whilst the other one filled with a bit of everything assembled by the Company team.

I had a great time at both of these events, getting to know people, having fun and gaining more life experience, I suppose. I am being more personal in this post and I really really hope you enjoyed reading it! Also, let me know if you prefer these sort of posts and I’ll try to incorporate some funny comments and embarrassing stories into my future posts. Thanks for reading! πŸ™‚

Hair pictures – at home with more makeup (and less flushed face!!)



  1. September 8, 2013 / 10:23 pm

    I really enjoyed reading this post, sounds like you had a good time, and the goody bags you got had some good stuff in them πŸ™‚

    Following you, would love you to follow mine back.


    Frankie xXx

    • September 9, 2013 / 10:19 am

      Thanks! Yeah, I had a blast and I am looking forward to review everything… Not really, but maybe some. πŸ™‚

      I'm following you already! X

  2. September 9, 2013 / 8:31 am

    The Wonderland Braids look gorgeous! Seriously, if I could do my hair like that myself, that would be amazing!
    Glad you had a lovely time at both events. It was so nice seeing you πŸ™‚

    Peach Pow XO

    • September 9, 2013 / 10:23 am

      I would love to do that sort of stuff to my hair on my own too! I thought it looked cooler when I took it out because it was so bouncy with very obvious waves where the braids have been.

      Thank you for getting into contact before the event! πŸ™‚ x

    • September 9, 2013 / 10:26 am

      Thank you for the encouraging words, Kimberley! I will continue with the personal touch in my posts, easier with the lifestyle ones but more difficult when it comes to reviews. X

  3. September 9, 2013 / 11:18 am

    These both sound like fab events, your hair looks amazing!
    I really want to try GinZing, it sounds so good πŸ™‚

    Jess xo

    • September 9, 2013 / 6:29 pm

      Thank you!! πŸ™‚ yes, the GinZing moisturiser is really good! I'm gonna buy it x

    • September 10, 2013 / 6:24 pm

      Yes! I'm sure we'll see plenty of each other in the future! πŸ™‚ x

  4. September 12, 2013 / 12:44 pm

    Your hair looks awesome!! I went to both! I briefly spoke to you at the headmasters event but I was a bit tentative to ask if you were from Beuty from the Fjord! As I wasn't sure!

    • September 13, 2013 / 10:59 am

      Thank you!!! OMG, which one were you? You should have asked! Would've loved to talk to you in person! πŸ™‚ x

  5. September 21, 2013 / 5:34 pm

    Both these events sound amazing! Great pictures and your goody bags look brilliant!

    Beauty and the Chic


    • September 24, 2013 / 10:18 pm

      They indeed were amazing! Thanks πŸ™‚ x