Christmas in July – Tesco Press Show 2015

Earlier this month I went to a Tesco Christmas in July press show! It was a wonderful experience and I felt like I was transported to a different place and time! There was magic everywhere! Not to mention, Christmas trees, presents, mince pies and various Christmas dishes. There was also a section dedicated to beauty products featuring some awesome makeup products from Barbara Daly, styling tools from THX Total Hair Experts, hair products from Nicky Clarke, skin care products from Nip+Fab and various perfume gift sets. However, I’m a little sad that I didn’t get to taste the food, make…

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Afternoon Tea Bus Tour with BB Bakery & Thistle Hotels

Shortly after the Curry’s Juicing event with Joe Blog’s Network about a month ago, I was invited to another exciting event – An Afternoon Tea Bus Tour. This time it was for Thistle Hotels under #ThistleBusTour. This Joe’s Bloggers event was slightly different from the other one, but they both had a similar theme! You guessed it: a combination of food and fun! What’s special about this event was that we got to be VITs (very important tourists) in London for two hours! Although I’ve been in London for a few years now, I’ve only been on a tour bus…

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Juicing & Blending with Curry’s & Joe Blogs

All my posts have been super late this month and I’m very sorry for that! I really left this one for last minute…. it’s not intentional, but time is moving so quickly these days and I feel that it’s completely out of my control! 🙁 Anyways, a bit over two weeks ago, I went to a blogger’s event with Joe Blogs Network. No, it’s not the Thistle Bus Tour event with loads of cakes, which I keep talking about on twitter! This event was really healthy, but still super fun! The guys at Joe’s Bloggers are like experts at organising…

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Upcycling with Currys at The Old School Club

Today’s post is rather different! I thought I’d skip all the beauty and fashion stuff and jump straight into DIY! If you’re in the Joe Bloggers club, then you might have noticed that they’ve organised some really fun events lately, Monopoly Night included. As you can tell, I’m a huge fan of Joe Bloggers Network and I basically go to all their events in London! Their events are really creative and I’ve enjoyed every single one of them! The most recent event was yesterday’s Upcycling Workshop with Currys at The Old School Club! The event hashtag is: #UpcycleWithCurrys, where you…

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Monopoly Night with Joe Bloggers

LastTuesday I was lucky enough to attend another blogger event. This time it was held by Joe Blogs Network for Legal & General. The purpose was to promote property development in a creative way. Yes, I can assure you that property development and lifestyle blogging have nothing in common, but with a game of monopoly, the two somehow become a little more related. This is probably one of the cleverest ideas someone has come up with!  The event went down really well and it was an evening filled with fun, prosecco and pizza with a room filled with competitive bloggers!…

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