Outfit: Fashion Experimentation

I don’t know if any of you guys noticed, but I’m trying to do a bit more outfit and fashion posts lately. My wardrobe isn’t the most exciting thing on earth, but it’s got some interesting items I can play around with. I don’t always go for the latest trend, a lot of the stuff I own are super old (like more than 5-years old!!!), and among these super old clothes are vintage finds from my grandma’s wardrobe! So I guess you won’t find that gorgeous dress you saw in Topshop on here… not for now at least.  Even though…

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Outfit Post: Winter Warmth Vintage Style

Yeah baby, it’s getting cold (I mean freezing!) outside! I did have fun assembling this “Wintage” style outfit and taking photos! Yes, I’m not a stylish person and I do feel a little awkward standing in front of the camera. Nonetheless, the photographer has to be photographed at some point in life. So rather than standing happily and confidently behind the lens, I’m now the focal point. 😛 As the title suggests, this outfit post gives you some tips and tricks on how to stay warm during the winter, without a jacket and ten layers of jeans of course. I’ve…

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Hyper Japan 2013 Where Technology Meets Cuteness

I did put down events as one of my blog tags, so I should probably blog about them! Not glamorous events necessarily but just cool things to do in London! Last Sunday (28. July), I made an impulse decision to go to an event called Hyper Japan at Earls Court Exhibition Center. I (somehow) managed to do my makeup, get dressed and pack my bag in less than 20  mins, which must be a record! The late entry ticket at the door costed me £10, which is an alright price for a fairly interesting exhibition. To be honest, the late…

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